RTC-1010 Rugged Tablet and the RTC-1010M Semi-Rugged Tablet. Users can enjoy improved performance and security with durable, reliable hardware. Yes and ready " />

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Android 9.0 Now Available on AAEON Rugged Tablets

ไปหน้าข่าว   19 พฤษภาคม 2563 - 01:25

AAEON offers the Android 9.0 Pie on the 10 "industrial grade tablet, the RTC-1010 Rugged Tablet and the RTC-1010M Semi-Rugged Tablet. Users can enjoy improved performance and security with durable, reliable hardware. Yes and ready to use from AAEON

RTC-1010 and RTC-1010M are powered by the processor. Intel® Celeron® and Pentium® (formerly Apollo Lake) with up to 4GB of onboard memory. Rich I / O features, expansion slots, and additional features allow AAEON's 2 grade tablets to work with various functions. Easily Whether it is used for working on-site Or can be installed or used in conjunction with your site

Android 9.0 improves security and efficiency with open source operating systems.

  • Hot-swappable Battery : Avoid operating delays by switching batteries without the need to turn off the device.
  • NFC Equipped : Read / write different types of ISO cards, including ISO 15693, ISO 18092, ISO 14443-A and ISO 14443-B (read only UID).
  • Easy to Read : AAEON's Rugged Tablet has a screen that can be read even in high brightness and sunlight.
  • Built Rugged : Designed for durability, the AAEON tablet has vibration and drop resistance support.
  • Accessory Support : Increase work efficiency with accessories from AAEON.

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  • โทรและแฟกซ์ : +66(0)-2020-3000
  • อีเมล์ : [email protected]
  • Facebook : facebook.com/ptautomations

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